
Legal, Policies, & Ethics

The idea of making your business "huge" using social media is great. But what are some things you should think about before going socially crazy? On this website (link) it gives you rules to follow with employee's before making that first post.

1. Company philosophy/voice - what is it you want your company to be known for? What is your purpose behind going social? Come up with your motto and use it.

2. Representation - teach your employee's that they represent the company even outside of work. If they want to hate, be careful.

3. Conduct - give your employee's guidelines on how to use social media. Let them speak freely while also letting them know that there may be consequences to what they post.

4. Privacy and Confidentiality - make sure those your employee's know that its no OK to post numbers or personal information. Some things are just meant to be kept... well, private.

5. Terms of Service - basically the same as employee's but for anybody else who wants to use your social media.

I really enjoyed the three rules this website (link)  said you need when starting up social media for your business.

1. Require disclosure and truthfulness in social media outreach
2. Monitor the conversation and correct misstatements
3. Create social media policies and training programs 

Super smart advice for a super smart idea. So before opening up Facebook and Twitter accounts for the whole world to see, think about who you are and what you want to accomplish by doing that.

#socmeddiscuss #policy #employee #socialmedia


  1. I like how you said to think about who you are as a company before creating a profile for the world to see. I think it is really important in social media to present a unified image.

  2. Those are really useful rules! I also agree with Kate in the importance of presenting a unified image. Not only that, but you want your only presence to be respectable not embarrassing. Great Post!

  3. Rules are great - the last thing you want is for the company/business that you represent as their PR to be stuck in a legal issue. That's no good. Applying these rules would not only help but prevent that.

  4. I think from this post its safe to say you have a VERy secure online reputation. You go girl! Great post & tips! Thanks!
