
Apps - Whatever you want, baby I got it

Didn't you hear? There's an app for that.

There is literally an app for almost everything these days. You want to tweet, there's an app. You want to lose weight and track your workouts, there's an app for that. The world is getting smarter by the minute as they use their phones for basically everything. If you're business isn't using mobile apps, well, you're kind of out of the loop.

According to smallbusinesscomputing.com (link), 40 percent of businesses polled said their business would not survive without mobile apps. Over 66 million people have smartphones and are using them every day, if not every hour and/or minute. With that many people staying connected so consistantly, why wouldn't you make an app for your business. There are countless stories of small businesses becoming large businesses because of an app they created.

Great quote from plaveb.com  (link)

"Mobile apps are simple to use and economical to develop. They offer high ROI and they can be developed to satisfy just about every business need. More importantly, developing mobile apps is also a marketing opportunity. If your app is on your customer’s smartphone, you can be assured that you are making an impression on his mind."

Who doesn't want more business? If your customers are using your app, they are going to tell a friend, who will most likely tell another friend and then BAM, you've got yourself the business you have always been wanting.

Mobil apps, are they smart? You better believe it, even smart enough for your smartphone.

Think about your daily life and how often you use apps for your favorite businesses. I know that I use those apps all the time and would be lost with many of them. If your juggling between the idea of creating and not creating an app, create one. You won't regret it and either will your bank account.

#socmeddiscuss #mobileapp #app


  1. Oh my gosh classic how did I not think of that! (there is an app for that!)
    I don't if apps are making us smarter or just lazy but either way I am okay with it!

  2. I love the statistics you found!! Genius!! And it's so true about the smart phone. When I came back from Missouri to get a new phone, we walked into the Verizon store and there were only two phones that weren't smart phones on display. I'm sure you could find others but it's so true that as smart phones and technology continue to take over the world, its important to remember where to promote your business/company!

  3. When it comes to apps--I freaking love them! the free ones are awesome & they really do put all the stuff I need in one handy little space! :) Love this post!
