
Search Engine Optimization

Life as we know it is #changing. The #internet as we know it is #changing. Search engine optimization as we know it is #changing. Only a few years ago did #surfing the web become a fast, easy way to obtain #information. But what is making it even faster and easier today? #Hashtags and Geotagging. 

#Whatisahashtag you ask? According to techforluddites.com (link) a hash tag is a simple way for people to search for things that have a #commontopic. For example, in one of my classes at #USU, we have a hash tag we used after everything we post. It allows us, the teacher, and the teachers aide to search what we have been #blogging, #tweeting, or social media-ing about. If you are offiliated with any specific group, you can hash tag each other anywhere in the world and have a discussion. If you want to see who is hash tagging your same likes and/or dislikes, you can type your hashtag into the #Google search and it will pull up what others have been saying about that topic. #Hashtags are #useful. They allow you to get more #traffic to your #company. They allow you to #connect with a #world that is #techsavvy. #Ilikeitalot.

Bruce Clay, Inc.- Global Internet Marketing Solutions company says, "It is not the job of search engine optimization to make a pig fly. It is the job of the SEO to genetically re-engineer the Web site so that it becomes an eagle."

What great advice to keep in mind when trying to increase traffic to your website. On the same site (link) they provide a model for using SEO's. 

Again, the world is changing. Are you going to sit back and let it change without you or are you going to #hashtagyourlifeaway and increase the flow of traffic heading your way? 

#SEOs #Socmeddiscuss #hashtag


Collaborative Communication Tools

For 18 months of my life I lived in another state with people whom I previously had not known. I was allowed to talk to my family two times a year - Mother's day and Christmas. It was hard but one social media tool made those two conversations that much better - they call it Skype. For one hour on each of those holidays, I was able to Skype with my family. They would put the laptop on our living room chair and it was almost like I was home. In recent years, communication has majorly changed. Instead of land-lines, we have cell phones. Instead of conference calls, we have Skype calls. Instead of a quick hello and good-bye, we have FaceTime. The world is changing. 

Something I love about my recently purchased Iphone 4S is the FaceTime feature. According to the Apple website (link) FaceTime allows you to be in two places at once. I love that even if you are in China, you can catch your kids baseball game or see your daughter dance at her recital. Companies can use it to show each other products while at shows. You can use it between any apply product making it versatile for many people.

My one-year-old nephew lives over 1000 miles away in Washington, D.C. and the only way I get to see him is via Skype. Some advantages according to this website (link) of Skype is downloadable and free software, it have very low costs, and it does video calls and file transfers. The only setback with Skype that I've experienced is the delay that happens periodically.

Overall I am really enjoying the way the world is going with collaborative communication tools. They help me see what I otherwise wouldn't be able to. 

#socmeddiscuss #skype #FaceTime #apple


Viral Video's

What is something we've all seen, laughed at, and shared with our friends? If you answered viral video's, 10 points goes to you. Thousands of video's are posted to Youtube and other popular video sites day after day. Some make it big and go "viral" while others dwindle with the 2 or 3 views they receive.

My question is, what makes a video viral? I don't consider videos put out by the "popular" crowd equal as viral video's. The fact of the matter is, if they posted a really dumb, short clip of them saying hello, it would go viral. That doesn't count.

To me what counts as a viral video are the lost stars of the world. For example take Sopia Grace and Rosie, 2 little girls who basically have it made now because they went viral.

I found this really cool website that shows you what video's are trending right now. They are the next hottest Youtube hits. To go there click link.

After watching and re-watching viral videos, it has given me a desire to go viral myself... we'll see whats up my sleeves!

#socmeddiscuss #youtube #viralvideochart