
Viral Video's

What is something we've all seen, laughed at, and shared with our friends? If you answered viral video's, 10 points goes to you. Thousands of video's are posted to Youtube and other popular video sites day after day. Some make it big and go "viral" while others dwindle with the 2 or 3 views they receive.

My question is, what makes a video viral? I don't consider videos put out by the "popular" crowd equal as viral video's. The fact of the matter is, if they posted a really dumb, short clip of them saying hello, it would go viral. That doesn't count.

To me what counts as a viral video are the lost stars of the world. For example take Sopia Grace and Rosie, 2 little girls who basically have it made now because they went viral.

I found this really cool website that shows you what video's are trending right now. They are the next hottest Youtube hits. To go there click link.

After watching and re-watching viral videos, it has given me a desire to go viral myself... we'll see whats up my sleeves!

#socmeddiscuss #youtube #viralvideochart


  1. I wouldn't want any video with my face in it to go viral. If you are going to be famous it might as well be for something really cool. I liken viral videos to SEO, no one really knows the secret. Cory Checketts

  2. Man, I need to catch up on my viral videos! So many of our classes posts include viral videos that I've never seen! Such a funny video. Great Post, thanks for your inout on your thoughts and ideas about viral videos!

  3. Love Sophia Grace and Rosie! I want to be them! I liked your view on the difference between popular and viral videos. Hopefully one day one of us will figure out the secret, and when they do make sure to share with the rest of us!

  4. "Ello, I'm Sophia Grace and This is Rosie" I need three things...
    1. These adorable british children
    2. Be on Ellen
    3. to be just 1/2 as adorable as these viral cuties!
