
Search Engine Optimization

Life as we know it is #changing. The #internet as we know it is #changing. Search engine optimization as we know it is #changing. Only a few years ago did #surfing the web become a fast, easy way to obtain #information. But what is making it even faster and easier today? #Hashtags and Geotagging. 

#Whatisahashtag you ask? According to techforluddites.com (link) a hash tag is a simple way for people to search for things that have a #commontopic. For example, in one of my classes at #USU, we have a hash tag we used after everything we post. It allows us, the teacher, and the teachers aide to search what we have been #blogging, #tweeting, or social media-ing about. If you are offiliated with any specific group, you can hash tag each other anywhere in the world and have a discussion. If you want to see who is hash tagging your same likes and/or dislikes, you can type your hashtag into the #Google search and it will pull up what others have been saying about that topic. #Hashtags are #useful. They allow you to get more #traffic to your #company. They allow you to #connect with a #world that is #techsavvy. #Ilikeitalot.

Bruce Clay, Inc.- Global Internet Marketing Solutions company says, "It is not the job of search engine optimization to make a pig fly. It is the job of the SEO to genetically re-engineer the Web site so that it becomes an eagle."

What great advice to keep in mind when trying to increase traffic to your website. On the same site (link) they provide a model for using SEO's. 

Again, the world is changing. Are you going to sit back and let it change without you or are you going to #hashtagyourlifeaway and increase the flow of traffic heading your way? 

#SEOs #Socmeddiscuss #hashtag


  1. Kenzie, I like how you added all the hashtags in your post! You have a natural flow to your writing that makes it very easy to read.

  2. I really like your writing style. A lot.

  3. Girl love the hashtags also love the term social media-ing!

  4. Dude. Sweet freakin' chart up in thurr. You put blogs to shame with you and your fancy stuff.

  5. # is more then a number. I had never used hash tags before this class.
